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Jharkhand govt tables budget worth Rs 1,01,101 crore for 2022-23 in Assembly

Articles & Photo Credit Goes to UNI INDIA

Ranchi, Mar 3 (UNI) The state government on Thursday tabled the annual budget of Jharkhand worth a total of Rs Rs 1,01,101 crore for the financial year 2022-23 with special focus on Education and Rural Development including Panchayati Raj. Finance Minister Rameshwar Oraon tabled the budget in the Assembly. Compared to previous fiscal year the allocation in the budget has been increased by Rs 9,824 crore. In the year 2021-22 the government had presented a budget of Rs 91,277 crore. Out of Rs 1,01,101 crore a sum of Rs 76,273.20 crore has been set for revenue expenditure while a sum of Rs 24,827.70 crore has been set for institutional expenditure. As far budgetary allocations are concerned sector wise the general sector has been allocated a sum of Rs 31,896.64 crore, social sector Rs 37,313.22 crore while the economic sector has been allotted a sum of Rs 31,891.14 crore. The Education sector has been given an allocation of 13.54 percent of funds from the budgetary allocation followed by 12.59 percent to Rural Development including Panchayati Raj. Among others Health and drinking water has been allocated 9.57 percent of the budgetary allocation, Police and disaster management 8.36 percent, Pension 7.96 percent, Welfare and social welfare 7.87 percent, Land Revenue, Labour, Tourism, IT and others 7.45 percent respectively Fiscal deficit for the year 2022-23 has been pegged at Rs 11, 286.47 crore which is 2.81 percent of the GSDP. The state government plans to earn a sum of Rs 24,850 from its own taxes, non tax receipts have been pegged at Rs 13,762.84 crore. From central assistance a sum of Rs 17,405.74 crore while from the share in central taxes a sum of Rs 27,006.58 crore, from public borrowings Rs 18,000 crore and from advance taxes and loan collection a sum of Rs 75.84 crore is expected. MORE UNI AK BM